ASCLS Today is the membership newsletter of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.

To submit an article for ASCLS Today, contact Editor Debra Rodahl.

A Case of Blue-Green Neutrophil Inclusions

S. Renee Hodgkins, PhD, MT(ASCP); Jennifer Jones, MLS(ASCP)CM A 43-year-old female presented with syncope one day after routine umbilical hernia repair surgery. A CT scan revealed an abdominal wall hematoma. The patient rapidly progressed to multi-organ failure requiring continuous renal replacement therapy for acute kidney injury. Two days post-surgery, she was transferred to a large…

Membership Changes Encourage Long Term Membership

In March, the ASCLS Board of Directors approved changes to the Society’s membership dues, which is part of a multiyear effort to modernize and simplify ASCLS membership structures. These changes will be in effect for the coming Society year and will be reflected in the upcoming renewals for 2018-2019 ASCLS membership. Single regular Professional Category…

The Scapegoat

Franki-Marie Herdt, MLT(ASCP) I have been a microbiology technician at a local regional medical center for a little more than three years now and have worked with numerous doctors, nurses, and pharmacists during this time. The medical center employs great doctors and nurses who are respectful and understand the laboratory profession and our importance in…

Case Study: Anaerobiospirillum Succiniciproducens Induced Septicemia in an Immunocompromised Farmer

Monica Bustos, MSHS, SM(ASCP)CM A 74-year-old man with a history of atrial fibrillation, chronic renal impairment, diabetes mellitus II, essential hypertension, gout, and hyperlipidemia presented to the emergency room with hypotension, some shortness of breath, and dizziness. The patient had a sudden onset of shortness of breath with acute decompensation and hypotension the morning of…

High-Frequency Antibody Identified in a Blood Donor

Lindsey Keill, MLS(ASCP)CMSBB; Stacie Lansink, MS, MT(ASCP); April Nelson, MLS(ASCP)CM; Tiffany Montalvo, MLS(ASCP)CM A 22-year-old female presented to the blood bank to donate blood. A type and screen were performed. The donor typed as B-positive with a positive antibody screen. The autocontrol was negative, which assisted in ruling out the possibility of a warm autoantibody.…

LGBT Healthcare

James March Mistler, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS-CNE President, Diversity Advocacy Council Chair When one thinks of LGBT+ rights, one may automatically think of marriage equality, political movements, employment rights, or even education. But one issue that is often overlooked is healthcare. There are many issues that concern the LGBT+ community in terms of healthcare, as it…

Updated Entry Level Curriculum is Available

Joan Polancic, MSEd, MLS(ASCP)CM; Kyle Riding, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CM Entry Level Curriculum Revision Committee Co-Chairs The Entry Level Curriculum was created to provide guidance as to the knowledge and skills a new graduate at the medical laboratory technologist (MLT) or medical laboratory scientist (MLS) level should possess upon entry into the workforce. The first Entry Level…