ASCLS Today is the membership newsletter of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.
To submit an article for ASCLS Today, contact Editor Debra Rodahl.
Cindy Johnson, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Past President WOW … what a year it has been! Last year I introduced you to the Johnson Bunch; never imagining that this extremely shy, youngest member of the family would serve as the 2019-20 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science president. It has been an honor and privilege to…
Kim Von Ahsen, MHA, MLS(ASCP)CMSLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Region VI Director Photo by Tim Mossholder, Unsplash 2020 has been a year of extraordinary challenges—a global pandemic, social unrest, and political uncertainty; however, I believe that it’s also brought a positive focus to the laboratory profession, diversity, and advocacy. Steve Jobs, when speaking about Apple in the late…
Kate DeAngelo, MLS(ASCP)CM Being a graveyard employee has many pros and cons. The biggest pro is the glorious seven days off after seven days on. However, overhauling my sleeping schedule from days to nights and back again is undoubtably the biggest con. When I first started my career as a medical laboratory scientist, staying awake…
Andrew Jones, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM As the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic sweeps across the United States, clinical testing obligations have largely shifted, requiring instant adjustments in personnel safety, alterations in staffing, and onboarding/validation of new testing platforms. These have led to complete re-designs of workflow for multiple laboratory departments and have put enormous weight on the backs of…
Kelcey E. Harper, MLS(ASCP)CM I was working the night shift at the hospital after picking up an extra shift. The night shift staffing included one person who covered all departments, including phlebotomy draws for inpatients. After a relatively quiet night, 5:00 am hit and I was on my way up to the floor to draw…
Pat Tille, PhD, MT(ASCP) Step back for a moment and imagine if everyone was a medical laboratory scientist. What would the worldview look like? Would all individuals have labels on everything in their home, garage, and car? Would we lean everything we have, from clothing to food to everyday needs? Can you imagine that? What…
Donna J. Spannaus-Martin, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CM Photo by Micheile Henderson, Unsplash. Over the next five years, four medical/clinical laboratory science programs will be awarded a little over $9.2 million in Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (SDS) Awards by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The SDS Program is intended to increase diversity in the health professions…
Donna Showers, MT(ASCP), FACHE Lobby noun, plural lob·bies. a group of persons who work or conduct a campaign to influence members of a legislature to vote according to the group’s special interest. verb (used without object), lob·bied, lob·by·ing. to solicit or try to influence the votes of members of a legislative body. verb (used with…
Elaine C. Stewart, MLS(ASCP)CM What an exciting time to be an Ascending Professional in the laboratory world with our fire burning bright, pushing us full steam ahead through the workday. I am enthralled by the daily mysteries in front of me and the desire to search for answers to those mysteries. The new mystery that…
Cindy Johnson, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS President, 2019-20 Kyle Riding, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Secretary-Treasurer Over the last several months, our ASCLS family has faced an unprecedented global emergency. Laboratory professionals from across the globe have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our professional family has continued to generate the results that drive medical…