April 20-26, 2025

2024 Medical Laboratory Professionals Week logo colorMedical Laboratory Professionals Week (MLPW) provides the profession with a unique opportunity to increase public understanding of and appreciation for clinical laboratory personnel.

MLPW, which takes place the last full week in April each year, is coordinated by a collaborative committee with representatives from 17 national clinical laboratory organizations, including ASCLS. Now in it’s 49th year, it is important to reflect on the important history of MLPW.

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week originated in 1975 as National Medical Laboratory Week, or NMLW, under the auspices of the American Society for Medical Technology, now called the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS). In subsequent years, other organizations have served as cosponsors and campaign supporters.

2024 Lab Week Activities

Below are Lab Week activities created by members of the ASCLS Marketing & Communications Committee. They were designed so you can easily print, share, and use them in your lab or workplace during Medical Laboratory Professionals Week. We challenge you to see how many you can complete. Answer keys will be provided during Lab Week, so we don’t spoil anyone’s fun.

The Lab Cooks cookbook cover imageASCLS compiled a digital cookbook of recipes for potlucks that have been lab-tested and approved by you, medical laboratory professionals! Whether to celebrate Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, the last full week of April; or #LABtober, the last full week of October; or anytime in between, try out some of these fun and delicious recipes.

Download Your Free Copy

ASCLS/ACLA Lab Week Social Toolkit

Together, ASCLS and the American Clinical Laboratory Association (ACLA) have developed the below social media toolkit in observance of Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, April 14-20. This annual celebration marks an important opportunity for our industry to uplift and show appreciation for America’s laboratory professionals.

The toolkit also includes content related to ACLA’s Stop Lab Cuts campaign, which is underscoring the need for Congress to protect patient access to clinical laboratory services by enacting the Saving Access to Laboratory Services Act (SALSA) this year. Other resources are available at StopLabCuts.org, including the option to directly email your congressional representatives.

Share these graphics and messages on social media and help spread the word. Click on the images below, then right click to save image to your computer.

It's Medical Laboratory Professionals Weeks!

This #LabWeek, I’m grateful for #MedicalLaboratory professionals who work tirelessly to ensure patients receive accurate and timely diagnoses that inform subsequent care. #IamASCLS #Lab4Life

Thank You to America's Laboratorians

Happy #LabWeek to America’s laboratorians! Your unwavering commitment to precision and care drives improved health outcomes every day. Thank you for the vital role you play within our nation’s health care system. #Labvocates #IamASCLS #Lab4Life

Laboratorians support screening, diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of disease

Every day, laboratorians nationwide provide essential health information to patients and providers. This #LabWeek, we recognize their important role in informing evidence-based health care decisions. #IamASCLS #Lab4Life #Labvocate

Tell Congress: Protect Patient Access to Laboratory Testing - Pass SALSA Now

As a #Labvocate, I urge Congress to pass the Saving Access to Laboratory Services Act. If enacted, #SALSA will protect patient access to over 800 laboratory tests. #LabWeek #StopLabCuts #IamASCLS #Lab4Life

Tell Congress: Protect Diagnostic Innovation - Pass SALSA Now

Congress: it’s time to pass the Saving Access to Laboratory Services Act (#SALSA) and safeguard patient access to clinical laboratory testing. As a #Labvocate, I am passionate about patient health and protecting our nation’s health care infrastructure. #StopLabCuts #IamASCLS #Lab4Life

lab week run logoIt’s time to start planning for the 9th Annual Lab Week Run! This event is sponsored by the ASCLS Ascending Professionals and Developing Professionals Forums. Proceeds are used to support travel scholarships to attend national ASCLS events and the Education & Research Fund Cynthia L. Breen Memorial Scholarship.

Download the 2024 Lab Week Run flyer to help spread the word.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Join the Industry Partner Interest List

Please join the industry partner interest list to receive more information regarding sponsorship opportunities when they become available.

Thank you to our 2024 Lab Week Run sponsors!



AUDIT MicroControls BD COLA logo greiner bio-one
Scopio Sekisui Diagnostics Telcor

logo lab4lifeBeyond meeting this public need, the celebration of MLPW will help increase recognition for the profession as it improves the individual practitioner’s sense of self-worth. Further, as the various professional groups within laboratory practice work together on this project, the sense of unity and purpose necessary to further the goals of all laboratorians are reinforced.

Many members plan displays, open houses and various other activities in their institutions or local areas. Some have obtained proclamations by mayors or governors while others have been featured on local TV and radio stations. National MLPW has been successful in increasing the recognition of clinical laboratory science among the healthcare community and general public.

We encourage you to use our hashtag – #lab4life.  For laboratory professionals, this hashtag is a statement of our dedication to the profession.  To the general public, it illustrates how quality laboratory results can lead to a healthier life.  Use this hashtag to show others your pride in being a laboratory professional.

Download the #Lab4Life logo

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Download the MLPW 2024 logo

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Obtaining mayoral and/or gubernatorial proclamations are interesting promotional items that require little time in relationship to the benefits that are realized. Elected public officials generally welcome the opportunity to participate in such events. This activity should be undertaken as a joint effort of the MLPW sponsoring groups on both state and local levels. See examples of proclamations below.

Procedures for arranging a proclamation signing ceremony may vary among states and cities. A general outline is given in the following paragraphs. If these procedures do not apply in your state or local situation, government staff can be helpful in pointing you in the right direction.

Finally, bringing MLPW sponsoring groups together in the mayor or governor’s office for a MLPW proclamation signing ceremony provides a terrific media photo opportunity. Publicity is vital as you begin your MLPW activities, and it’s also a chance to tell the media why MLPW is so important and what events or activities will be happening in your area.

To Arrange the Signing of a Proclamation by a Mayor or Governor

1. Obtain the contact information for the mayor or governor’s office. Contact as far in advance as possible. Remember, elected officials have very busy schedules, so make sure to call early and be flexible in setting the time and date for the signing.

2. When you contact the official’s office, say that you wish to speak with someone about requesting that the mayor or governor sign a proclamation for Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, which typically occurs the last week in April.

3. You will communicate with an administrative assistant/aide or a secretary.

    • Introduce yourself. Example: This is Jane Doe. I am the lead medical lab scientist/medical technologist at General Hospital in Our Town, and I am a local coordinator for Medical Laboratory Professionals Week.
    • Tell the person: Medical Laboratory Professionals Week will be observed nationally the week of April 14-20, 2024. We would like to ask the (mayor/governor), to sign a proclamation designating that week as Medical Laboratory Professionals Week in this (city/state). I would like to send more information explaining the week and provide suggested wording for a proclamation. I called to ask you the proper procedure.
    • Gather information: Your respondent will then tell you to whom the letter should be sent. Make sure you get contact information, as well as the correct spelling of the person’s name.

4. Below is a sample letter/email:

Dear :

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week will be observed nationally April 14-20, 2024. This week recognizes the contributions of the scientific and technical personnel whose work in the medical/clinical laboratory helps give our nation the best possible health care.

I am the Medical Laboratory Professionals Week coordinator for this state/city/district, and I am writing to say that we would very much like the week to be officially recognized in our (city/ state).

I am requesting that the (mayor/governor) participate in a ceremony at his/her office to sign a proclamation declaring a celebration of the week.

The wording for a suggested proclamation is enclosed. I have also included a schedule of dates and times close to the actual week during which it would be appropriate to hold the ceremony. Please let me know if this schedule includes a convenient time for the (mayor/governor).

I look forward to hearing from you regarding the approval of the proclamation and a reserved day and time for the signing. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me, as I will be happy to answer any additional questions you might have.

I appreciate your interest.

(Your Name)

5. Mark a date on your calendar (approximately two weeks in the future) to call your contact if you’ve had no response.

6. Once a date has been decided, arrange for representatives of the sponsoring groups to be present for the signing. If the governor or mayor’s official photographer will not be present, request that one of your members take pictures. Share the photo on your social media channels and send a digital photo to ascls@ascls.org.

7. Be prepared to provide the mayor or governor’s press secretary with all relevant information about MLPW.

8. After the ceremony send a thank-you to the mayor or governor, as well as the individual in her/her office who helped arrange the signing. You will establish a great relationship that you may use again in the future.

An objective of MLPW is to educate healthcare professionals, the public, and others about the role of the laboratory professional in patient care. ASCLS has many items available that can be used for this effort.  See below.  This list is a free resource for all to use in planning their MLPW celebrations.

In the fall of 2005, NMLW was changed to National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (NMLPW) to emphasize the person whose expertise is needed in the performance of laboratory testing. Beginning in 2010 the organizers decided to “brand” the event by using the same theme each year: Laboratory Professionals Get Results.  In the summer of 2012 organizers deleted “National” from the title for brevity, and it became Medical Laboratory Professionals Week.

There are approximately 300,000 practitioners of clinical laboratory science in the United States. Since the development of this career group in the 1920s, the clinical laboratory science professional has played an increasingly vital role in the diagnosis and prevention of disease. Today, the clinical laboratorian is a key member of a health care team.

As team members of one of the largest industries in the United States, the dedicated efforts of laboratory professionals often go unnoticed by the general public, as well as by the very institutions employing their services. With the public now demanding the assurance of quality health care and professional accountability, organizations representing practitioners of this critical science have a responsibility to ensure that the public is well informed about clinical laboratory competency.

Previous Lab Week Celebrations

Lab Week Photo Challenge

Congratulations to our winners!

This year for Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, ASCLS hosted a fun photo challenge where laboratorians could share photos and show off their labs. We received 61 total submissions, and 1,645 people voted on their favorite photos during Lab Week. Congratulations to our winners in each category, who each won a $50 gift card.

The Bestest Lab

Winner: “Stop looking at the Walls, look out the Window!” submitted by Gregory Bass

Runner up: “We may be a small team in a small rural community, but our work speaks louder for our department” submitted by Cecil James Buguis

The Slide of Fame

Winner: “Live, Lab, Love” submitted by Ashley Smith

Runner up: “Now THAT’S a quality IHC” submitted by Naomi Gallegos

The Fungis in the Lab

Winner: “WJMC Lab Rats Class of 2023” submitted by Angela Sanders

Runner up: “Cells at Work costume for our MLS program’s costume contest! We are killer T cell and red blood cell” submitted by Jordan Holdaway