The Clinical Laboratory Educators Forum is soliciting quality abstract submissions for scientific posters at the 2025 Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference in Atlanta, GA Please review the following information and guidelines carefully.

General Information

  1. Abstracts must be submitted according to the instructions provided and be received no later than November 3, 2024. Failure to follow format instructions will result in automatic rejection of the abstract.
  2. Abstract must be original research, description of a teaching tool or other project, that benefited/improved instruction or program administration. Teaching tool or project must include outcome measurement and conclusions/applications or implications.
  3. All abstracts must be original. Please perform appropriate literature searches to avoid issues with plagiarism.
  4. A nonmember may submit an abstract if a current ASCLS member coauthors the abstract (membership status as of November 3, 2024 will be verified).
  5. The submitting author, if poster is accepted, must register for the meeting.
  6. Posters will be displayed digitally at the conference site and within the meeting app.
  7. Accepted authors who attend CLEC in person will have the opportunity to participate in poster presentation showcases.

Review, Acceptance and Notification

Members of the ASCLS Clinical Laboratory Educators Forum will perform a blind review of all abstract submissions. Abstracts will be evaluated on the presentation of project (ie: clearly communicates the scope of the project, methodology, and any relevant data/outcomes/future use) and adherence to published guidelines. Authors will receive email notification of abstract acceptance/rejection by December 5. A registration discount is included for accepted poster abstracts (submitting/presenting author only).

Submission Portal

Abstract submissions will be made electronically, via the portal accessible below. Once accessing the portal, submitters will need to create an account (by providing your full name and email address; this account is not linked to any other site or account). Once the portal account has been created, authors will be able to create their submissions. Submissions may be edited and saved prior to submission. All submissions must be made by November 3, 2024. NOTE: The person submitting the poster will be considered the presenting author and will be expected to register and attend the meeting, should the poster be accepted.

During the submission process, authors will be asked to identify up to 2 topics/disciplines from the list below:

  • Chemistry/Urinalysis/Toxicology
  • Education
  • Evidence-Based Medicine
  • Hematology/Hemostasis
  • Immunohematology
  • Immunology/Serology
  • Management/Leadership
  • Microbiology/Mycology/Parasitology/Virology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Phlebotomy/Venipuncture
  • Quality Assurance/Quality Control
  • Other

Abstract Format Guidelines

Authors are required to attach a Microsoft Word version of their abstract (title, author and abstract) within the submission portal. Remember – the file name must not include the author’s name (to preserve the integrity of the blind review process). Submissions made with the author’s name(s) on the abstract file will be disqualified.

Recommended typeface is Times New Roman, 12-point type.  Abstract text format is flush left.  Text length (not including title and author information) must be less than 3000 characters. A single space return should be used to separate title and author information, and a double space return should be used to separate this information from the abstract content.

  • Title: Use a concise title (five or six words, if possible) that reflects abstract content. Capitalize the first letter of each word except for prepositions, conjunctions, and articles. Underline or italicize scientific genus and species names of organisms. Do not use acronyms, abbreviations, or initials in the title.
  • Author/Institution: Type authors’ names, first name first. When multiple authors are present, place an asterisk (*) in front of the name of the presenting author.  Academic degrees are limited to the highest degree earned.  Authors should use the MLS credential (when applicable).  On the next line type the institutional affiliation of the authors.  Do not include any other information (i.e. department, division, etc.).  On the next line, list the city and the state of the institution (no zip code).
  • Abstract: Line spacing of abstract must be double-spaced. Recommended font and size is Times New Roman 12 pt. in Word format. Abstract text format is flush left. Text length (not including title and author information) must be less than 3000 characters (approx. 300 words). Use a single-space-return to separate title and author information. Do not use headers, charts, figures, tables or references in the abstract. The abstract should be a one paragraph concise summary of the: 1) problem, 2) method/design/intervention used, 3) results/outcomes measurements, and 4) conclusions/applications/implications.
  • File Format: Authors will need to upload their abstract within the submission portal. This file should be a Microsoft Word file. The file name cannot include the author’s name. It is recommended that the file name includes at least two keywords from the title.

    →Example of Acceptable Abstract Formatting: Example Abstract

Note: Failure to follow format instructions will result in automatic rejection of the abstract.

After the submission has been made, the author will receive a confirmation number and email (please make sure to check your junk and/or spam folders). The author may check on the status of their submission(s) by logging into the submission portal.