ASCLS Today is the membership newsletter of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.

To submit an article for ASCLS Today, contact Editor Debra Rodahl.

High-Frequency Antibody Identified in a Blood Donor

Lindsey Keill, MLS(ASCP)CMSBB; Stacie Lansink, MS, MT(ASCP); April Nelson, MLS(ASCP)CM; Tiffany Montalvo, MLS(ASCP)CM A 22-year-old female presented to the blood bank to donate blood. A type and screen were performed. The donor typed as B-positive with a positive antibody screen. The autocontrol was negative, which assisted in ruling out the possibility of a warm autoantibody.…

LGBT Healthcare

James March Mistler, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS-CNE President, Diversity Advocacy Council Chair When one thinks of LGBT+ rights, one may automatically think of marriage equality, political movements, employment rights, or even education. But one issue that is often overlooked is healthcare. There are many issues that concern the LGBT+ community in terms of healthcare, as it…

Updated Entry Level Curriculum is Available

Joan Polancic, MSEd, MLS(ASCP)CM; Kyle Riding, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CM Entry Level Curriculum Revision Committee Co-Chairs The Entry Level Curriculum was created to provide guidance as to the knowledge and skills a new graduate at the medical laboratory technologist (MLT) or medical laboratory scientist (MLS) level should possess upon entry into the workforce. The first Entry Level…

Time to Consider Another Model

Sally Pestana, MT(ASCP), Region X Past Director Gather clinical laboratory science educators together and within a few minutes the conversation is likely to turn to the challenge of securing clinical sites. Gather clinical laboratory science employers together and within a few minutes the conversation is likely to turn to the challenge of staff shortages. Considering…

Professionalism Requires Continuous Improvement

Darius Y. Wilson, EdD, MAT, MT(ASCP), MLS Program Chair, Baptist College of Health Sciences As an educator, it is my responsibility to teach and, more importantly, model professionalism to medical laboratory science students and even colleagues. Students have participated in various clinical rotations and have given reports of unprofessional behavior in the workplace. Rather than…

Our Darkest Hour: Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Shannon Billings, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, Laboratory Manager, Desert Springs Hospital Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada Most mass casualty stories are told from the point of view of the victims or the first responders, the doctors, medics, nurses, or police.  This is not that story. Sunday night began as an ordinary night at Desert Springs Hospital Medical…

Journey Toward Leadership Development: Region II Leadership Academy

Julie Bayer-Vile, MS, MLS(ASCP)CMSCCM, MBCM; Mary Ann McLane, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CM; Stephanie Noblit, MLS(ASCP)CM; Catherine Otto, MLS(ASCP)CM Region II Leadership Academy Task Force Leadership within any endeavor carries certain universal characteristics in the people who are considered leaders, the instances that call for leadership, and the individuals who are led. Where there is much controversy over…

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Strengthening ASCLS Constituent Societies Through Communication

Deb Rodahl, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS President {/textblock_content}[/yee_text_block][yee_button title=”Stream an interview with Deb and go more in-depth on strengthening constituent societies.” href=”″ color=”yee-btn-primary” size=”yee-btn-default” state=”” icon=”” icon_assign=”right” target=”_blank” rel=”” ex_class=”” style_detail=”” yee-widget-theme=”default” border_color=”” border=”none” visiable=”1″][/yee_button][yee_text_block css_animation=”no” ex_class=”” style_detail=”” yee-widget-theme=”default” border_color=”” border=”none” visiable=”1″]{textblock_content} In my president’s acceptance speech, I noted that I plan to focus my efforts…

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Strengthening ASCLS Constituent Societies Through Mentorship

Deb Rodahl, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS President {/textblock_content}[/yee_text_block][yee_button title=”Stream an interview with Deb and go more in-depth on strengthening constituent societies.” href=”″ color=”yee-btn-primary” size=”yee-btn-default” state=”” icon=”” icon_assign=”right” target=”_blank” rel=”” ex_class=”” style_detail=”” yee-widget-theme=”default” border_color=”” border=”none” visiable=”1″][/yee_button][yee_text_block css_animation=”no” ex_class=”” style_detail=”” yee-widget-theme=”default” border_color=”” border=”none” visiable=”1″]{textblock_content} In my president’s acceptance speech, I noted that I plan to focus my efforts…