Legislative Symposium: A First Timer’s Perspective

Cherika Robertson, MEd, MLS(ASCP)CM Excited. Nervous. Intimidated. Those were my initial feelings upon first arriving in Washington, D.C., for the 2018 Legislative Symposium. I had never thought of myself as being interested in politics, or much less as a lobbyist. But, I did know that I love the profession of medical laboratory science. And, this…

A Not-So-Warm Welcome

Rebecca Matthews, MLS(ASCP)CM Imagine being a new graduate, fresh out of school and hungry for your first real job in the professional world. You have passed your certification exam and you begin searching for a generalist position in an effort to remain competent in all the disciplines. You are offered a position to work the…

WIFM? Customizing Your State Meeting

Beth Warning, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, Region IV Director If you worked in marketing, the term WIFM would be standard language. WIFM stands for “What’s in it for me?” indicating that at the base of all sales are the needs of your target audience. In terms of our Constituent Society State meetings, WIFM can beused to drive…