ASCLS Today is the membership newsletter of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.

To submit an article for ASCLS Today, contact Editor Debra Rodahl.

Sara Taylor and Patricia Marterer

Neurodiversity in the Clinical Laboratory Setting

Volume 38 Number 1 | February 2024 Sara A. Taylor, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CMMBCM, ASCLS Diversity Advocacy Council Councilor-at-Large Patricia Marterer, PhD The terms learning disability and difficulty/disorder are similar, and they are often mistakenly used interchangeably. Learning disabilities refers to specific neurological conditions that affect an individual’s ability to learn. Thus, learning disabilities are often associated…

Joshua Pulido

DEIB are Key to Delivering Quality Laboratory Service

Volume 38 Number 1 | February 2024 Joshua Pulido, MHA, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Board of Directors Emerging from the pandemic, there have been significant changes in the overall workforce. While laboratory workforce shortages have been a top-of-mind concern for many years, all areas of healthcare are now impacted.1 Aiding to the ever-growing laboratory workforce shortage, the…

Victoria Roop

Let’s Build upon our Differences

Volume 38 Number 1 | February 2024 Victoria Roop, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Today Volunteer Contributor Diversity can mean so many things for so many people. So where do we start? First, let’s dig into the definition. According to the Oxford English Language Dictionary, diversity means, “The state of being diverse, variety.” And “The practice or quality…

Cara Bushmaker

ChatGPT: Death to Diversity?

Volume 38 Number 1 | February 2024 Cara Bushmaker, MLS(ASCP), ASCLS Today Volunteer Contributor Are you familiar with ChatGPT? I admit I know very little, but since my last encounter, I’ve been inspired to do a little more research. I’ve been aware of artificial intelligence (AI) to various degrees for quite some time. Many advancements…

Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity

Got Scholarships?

Volume 38 Number 1 | February 2024 Perry M. Scanlan, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CM, Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity President How many professionals have discussed the need for more resources for students in laboratory science? Usually, professionals talk about how hidden the laboratories are from the public eye, or how there is limited funding for educational programs. Our…

Aymen Saihati

Transforming Organizational Culture in Medical Laboratories

Volume 38 Number 1 | February 2024 Elevating All Laboratory Professionals Aymen Saihati, MS, ASCLS Today Volunteer Contributor The importance of cultural transformation in medical laboratories cannot be underestimated within the ever-changing healthcare landscape. With a wealth of expertise spanning more than 10 years, we initiate a revolutionary endeavor with the objective of reinventing the…

Claude Rector

Every Day is Patient Safety Day

Volume 37 Number 6 | December 2023 Claude Rector, MA, MLS(ASCP), ASCLS President When I moved from education to management this past spring, I felt the reality of a heightened sense of awareness regarding patient safety. The laboratory results were live and in real time. I had been in the student education laboratory far too…