ASCLS Today is the membership newsletter of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.
To submit an article for ASCLS Today, contact Editor Debra Rodahl.
Maddie Josephs, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS President Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the word, virtual, likely had a different connotation to many. I thought of virtual in the context of virtual reality—something that does not physically exist but occurs because of some software program to provide the same experience. Since the middle of March 2020, the term…
Cheyenne Reyes, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Ascending Professionals Forum Vice Chair Realizing you are in a momentous time in history brings forth a unique sense of self-awareness. Like many others, 2020 has made me question nearly every aspect of my life. Am I actually more extroverted than I realized? My time with people means a lot more…
Scott E. Aikey, DHA, MLS(ASCP)CMDLMCM Author Scott Aikey invested in the physical hardware necessary to create a home office space that is defined and conducive to working remotely. On March 12, 2020, I received notice that I should pack up what I would need to work from home. Little did I know at the time…
Phyllis Ingham, EdD, MLS(ASCP)CM, AHI(AMT), ASCLS-Georgia President Photo credit: Paul Bulai, Unsplash Coping with life as an educator during a global pandemic has reminded me of an expression, “iron sharpens iron.” “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17). Reflecting on that expression, I envision two iron rods rubbing together. As friction…
Suzy Jane Gabelmann Author Suzy Jane Gabelmann and her two children all attend separate virtual classes together in their kitchen. Most mornings, my kids and I sit tucked away at our kitchen table, in a makeshift classroom. Pictures of sight words and classroom art projects hang on the wall, among microbiology flow charts and post-it…
Suzanne Butch, MA, MLS(ASCP)CMSBBCMCLMCM The 2021 ASCLS Leadership Academy Class began their journey in May. Instead of greeting and getting to know each other face-to-face, the group met virtually for two days and then attended the virtual ASCLS & AGT Joint Annual Meeting. Virtual meetings will continue with the hope of finally meeting in Louisville…
Constance Stager, MT(ASCP), ASCLS Region IX Director The reliance on air travel for healthcare professionals in Southeast Alaska has added barriers to the already complex situation dealing with COVID-19. Photo credit: Steve Halama, Unslpash We have all been impacted by this global pandemic, and Southeast Alaska is no exception. I am the director of laboratory…
ASCLS is rolling out a new and improved Mentorship Program for the 2020-21 Society year. The program pairs up mentors and mentees for one year to create a supportive environment that fosters a feeling of belonging and value as a member of the ASCLS community. Participants will develop meaningful relationships with mentors to promote personal…
Ian Wallace, MLS(ASCP)CM Throughout our schooling, laboratory professionals are taught the importance of utilizing platelet and white blood cell (WBC) estimates to verify a potential analyzer error or an issue with the specimen tested. However, with how efficient analyzers have become, I have recognized that we repeatedly forget that estimates remain important—even if the analyzer…
Stacy E. Walz, PhD, MT(ASCP), ASCLS Patient Safety Committee Chair Way back in the late 1990s, patient safety and medical errors were highlighted in a groundbreaking report entitled, “To Err Is Human,” followed quickly by another report entitled, “Crossing the Quality Chasm,” suggesting six aims for high quality healthcare. Those six aims—safety, effectiveness, efficiency, patient-centeredness,…