ASCLS Today is the membership newsletter of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.

To submit an article for ASCLS Today, contact Editor Debra Rodahl.

Case Study: Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Volume 35 Number 4 | August 2021 Minh Kosfeld, PhD, MLT(ASCP)CM Patient Physical Examination on Admission Our patient is a previously healthy 56-year-old white man who presents with progressive neuropathy and declining mental status over several months. The patient initially developed numbness of his fingertips and the balls of his feet and began to lose…

Maddie Josephs

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Volume 35 Number 3 | June 2021 Maddie Josephs, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS President Diversity and inclusivity initiatives have become more of a priority for many companies and professional organizations. Studies have shown that diversity leads to creativity and improved performance, leading to better decision making and problem solving. As such, diverse organizations tend to be…

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital LGBTQ Pride Month virtual background

A Seat at the Table

Volume 35 Number 3 | June 2021 Angela Darby, MPH, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Region III Director In her recent Golden Globes acceptance speech, Jane Fonda made the following remarks: “There’s a story that we’ve been afraid to see and hear about ourselves … a story about which voices we respect and elevate and which we tune…

You belong here neon sign

Diversity and Inclusion Just Aren’t Enough

Volume 35 Number 3 | June 2021 Heather Herrington, DVM, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Developing Professionals Forum Secretary A few years ago, I was at a conference that featured a presenter who talked about diversity and inclusion while we were having breakfast. After her talk, which was quite interesting, we went to our break-out rooms for the…

Capnocytophaga canimorsus Gram Stain

Capnocytophaga Canimorsus Case Study Review

Volume 35 Number 3 | June 2021 Kora Freeman and Izabel Hanson Introduction Capnocytophaga canimorsus is a bacterial human pathogen with serious clinical implications. C. canimorsus is known to infect hosts with underlying health conditions and is considered normal flora in felines and canines. The organism is a thin gram-negative rod which can appear small…

Sesame Street Gets It … So Should We

Volume 35 Number 3 | June 2021 Jean Bauer, MLS (ASCP)CM, ASCLS Region V Director In the wake of multiple horrors—the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, the shootings in Atlanta, and the others that we have experienced—we as a country, and our ASCLS organization, have once again been reminded of the inequities that exist…

Rose Hanna

Improving Patient Safety in Evaluation of Kidney Function

Volume 35 Number 3 | June 2021 Patient Safety Corner Rose Hanna, DCLS, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Patient Safety Committee Kidney function is best determined by the glomerular filtration rate (GFR); however, it is challenging to measure directly and is not practical for routine physician office visits. Consequently, equations such as Cockcroft-Gault, Modification of Diet in…

Kim Von Ahsen

Meet the Candidates 2021

Volume 35 Number 3 | June 2021 The ASCLS Nominations Committee is pleased to present the following candidates for office in the 2021-22 Society year. Candidates selected by the House of Delegates will take office during the 2021 ASCLS, AGT & SAFMLS Joint Annual Meeting. Delegates will elect one president-elect; one director each for Regions…

Maddie Josephs

Visibility of Our Profession

Volume 35 Number 2 | April 2021 Maddie Josephs, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS President In June of 2019, which seems like a lifetime ago, I delivered my president-elect candidate presentation to ASCLS Joint Annual Meeting (JAM) attendees. I discussed the visibility of our profession, and what I outlined was certainly no surprise to anyone present. We…