In addition to providing networking, publications, continuing education, and high professional standards, ASCLS recognizes members who help make this Society work. The Society presents state, regional, and national awards each year at its annual meeting. Some members are nominated for awards; others may apply to receive awards.

Most Awards Applications are submitted online using the button below. Omicron Sigma and Keys to the Future submissions are submitted under the individual award pages.

Ascending Professional Leadership Award (Due February 15)

Developing Professional Leadership Award (Due February 15)

Lifetime Achievement Award (Due February 15)

Society Website Award (Due February 15)

Society Publication Award (Due February 15)

Scientific Research Award (Due February 15)

Theriot Award (Due February 15)

Voices Under 40 (Due February 15)

Constituent Society Member of the Year Recognition (Due April 1)

Omicron Sigma (Due April 1)

Keys to the Future (Due May 1)

ASCLS Awards Application and Nomination Form

Apply for an Award or Nominate an ASCLS Member Today

Word Document Attachment Templates

Attachment 1:  ASCLS Society Involvement  (needed for Lifetime Achievement, Ascending Professional Leadership, Developing Professional Leadership)
Attachment 2:  Honors, Presentations, Publications and Other (needed for Lifetime Achievement, Ascending Professional Leadership)
Attachment 3:  Developing Professional Leadership

Questions about an award?  Contact and include the title of the award in the subject line of the email.

Information about each of our national awards can be found on the menu to the right. State societies often have similar awards.

2024 Ascending Professional Leadership Award nominees2024 ASCLS Awards Ceremony

July 10, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Awards Ceremony PowerPoint (PDF)

Awards Ceremony Recording