April German

Finding Home: A Journey through Career Milestones and Community Support in Medical Laboratory Science

Volume 38 Number 3 | June 2024 April German, MLS(ASCP)CM, Westgard Sigma-QM, ASCLS Today Volunteer Contributor Throughout my life’s journey, I’ve encountered various milestones, such as graduations, birthdays, marriage, motherhood, and career changes. I can recall two moments that stood out to me in which I was in an unfamiliar situation, but oddly felt like…

Christopher Swartz

Artificial Intelligence in Laboratory Medicine

Volume 38 Number 3 | June 2024 Christopher Swartz, PhD, MLS(ASCP), ASCLS Today Volunteer Contributor My “official” introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) in laboratory medicine was at a departmental lunch in January 2023. As we prepared to leave the restaurant, my colleague typed a prompt into ChatGPT on his smartphone, asking for a summary of…

Eliminating Disparities in Clinical Trials: The Role of Clinical Professionals

Volume 38 Number 3 | June 2024 Sara A. Taylor, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CMMBCM, ASCLS Diversity Advocacy Council Counselor-at-Large Letycia C. Nuñez Argote, PhD, CPH, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Diversity Advocacy Council Past Chair Clinical laboratory data and clinical research are used together to enhance health outcomes. The clinical laboratory generates test results that help clinicians diagnose, monitor, and…

Jean Bauer

Educating Tomorrow’s Laboratorians

Volume 38 Number 3 | June 2024 Jean Bauer, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Board of Directors How do we train tomorrow’s medical laboratory science students? To understand how to train them, it’s important to know how students learn. I had an opportunity to visit with the students at the University of Minnesota (UMN) in the Medical Laboratory…

Katrina (Kate) Moreau and Georgia Vega

Education 2.0: Embracing Tech and Trends

Volume 38 Number 3 | June 2024 Katrina (Kate) Moreau, MPH, MAT, MLS(ASC)CM, ASCLS Patient Safety Committee Vice Chair Georgia Vega, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Patient Safety Committee Chair Every spring, the fourth-year medical laboratory science students in our program eagerly embark on a semester-long rotation through clinical laboratories at our affiliates. It’s a huge transition,…

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?

Volume 38 Number 3 | June 2024 Candice S. Grayson, MS, MA, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Clinical Laboratory Educators Forum Chair I feel like there needs to be a disclaimer here: The writer of this article is not a writer, but can play one on TV. However, here I am writing anyway, and why? Because I tried…

2024 ASCLS Candidates for National Office

Meet the Candidates 2024

Volume 38 Number 3 | June 2024 The ASCLS Nominations Committee is pleased to present the following candidates for office in the 2024-25 Society year. Candidates selected by the House of Delegates will take office during the 2024 ASCLS, AGT & SAFMLS Joint Annual Meeting. Delegates will elect one president-elect; four 3-year term directors; one…