April German and Bill Donohue

Advancing Laboratory Medicine

Volume 38 Number 5 | October 2024 April German, MLS(ASCP)CM, Westgard Sigma-QM, ASCLS Today Volunteer Contributor Bill Donohue, CEO of CarePoint As you walk into an outpatient draw station to have your blood collected, have you ever thought about the chain of events that begins when you sit in that chair and culminates in the…

Attendees from Iowa at the 2023 Laboratory Legislative Symposium

Society News Now – September 2024

ASCLS to advocate for long-term relief from laboratory reimbursement cuts, 2024 Labvocate Symposium registration still open, upcoming webinars and virtual events, opportunities to share your experiences at ASCLS events, Joint Annual Meeting session on demand, volunteer opportunities, and more. ASCLS to Advocate for Long-term Relief from Laboratory Reimbursement Cuts Over two million Americans depend on…

Damien F. Garza, ASCLS-WI Government Affairs Chair

From Lab Coat to Suit Coat

Advocating for the Saving Access to Laboratory Services Act and the Future of Clinical Laboratories Damien F. Garza, MLT(ASCP), ASCLS-Wisconsin Government Affairs Chair As medical laboratory scientists, we are at the forefront of diagnostics. We take great pride in our role in patient care by ensuring accurate and timely results. As you know, the legislative…

Laboratory Professionals Leadership Certificate Program on a laptop

Society News Now – August 2024

ASCLS submits comments and recommendations on the Standard Occupational Classification, new Laboratory Professionals Leadership Certificate Program, 2024 Labvocate Symposium early bird discount ends August 29, registration and travel scholarships available for Labvocate Symposium, opportunities to speak at ASCLS events, and more. ASCLS Submits Comments and Recommendations on the Standard Occupational Classification The Bureau of Labor…

Claude Rector dressed as Elvis

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

Volume 38 Number 4 | August 2024 Claude Rector, MA, MLS(ASCP), ASCLS President, 2023-2024 As my year serving as the president of ASCLS draws to an end, I thought about the old adage, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” My number one goal for the year as your president was to make sure that fun…

Sarah Steinberg

Championing Excellence: Advocating for Professional Standards in Medical Laboratory Science

Volume 38 Number 4 | August 2024 Sarah Steinberg, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Government Affairs Committee Professional advocacy is a vital aspect of many fields. It embodies the essence of leadership, ethical commitment, and community engagement. Advocacy plays a crucial role in driving policy changes, enhancing professional standards, and improving societal outcomes. ASCLS has equipped me…

Nicholas Moore

Advocating for Excellence

Volume 38 Number 4 | August 2024 The Critical Role of Professional Advocacy in Laboratory Medicine Nicholas Moore, PhD, D(ABMM), MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Board of Directors Medical laboratory personnel provide the diagnostic insights clinicians require for the care of patients in modern healthcare settings. Despite functioning as the silent engine powering this massive ship, our voices…

Darby Naheedy

Advocating for Recognition and Respect

Volume 38 Number 4 | August 2024 Darby Naheedy, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Patient Safety Committee “I’m a scientist,” I responded. Upon hearing my reply, the interviewer’s face lit up, and she exclaimed, “I am a scientist also! What kind of research do you conduct?” “I’m not a research scientist; I’m a clinical scientist.” A pit formed…

Adilene Olvera

Medical Laboratory Scientists. Who Are They?!

Volume 38 Number 4 | August 2024 Adilene Olvera, MPH, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Today Volunteer Contributor Has anyone ever wondered if today, in the year 2024, other healthcare professionals still ask this question? I definitely have! I also wonder what is the current MLS involvement or role in research? Research plays a key role in healthcare,…