Kate DeAngelo after donating bone marrow

Bone Marrow Donation: A Life Saved

Volume 38 Number 3 | June 2024 Kate DeAngelo, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Today Volunteer Contributor I received a call in November 2022 from the Be the Match program informing me that I was a potential match for an 11-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. After being on the bone marrow registry for seven years, I jumped…

Aditi Sarkar

Embracing Innovation: Transformative Trends in the Laboratory

Volume 38 Number 3 | June 2024 Aditi Sarkar, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Developing Professional Director At the threshold of a new era in healthcare and the ever-evolving landscape of scientific exploration and technological advancement, the laboratory profession stands at the epicenter of unprecedented change and growth. As we explore the implications of the future, it…

Sami Daniel, MD and Darby Naheedy, MLS

Building Community through Greater Awareness

Volume 38 Number 3 | June 2024 Sami Daniel, MD, ASCLS Today Volunteer Contributor Sami Daniel, MD and Darby Naheedy, MLS As a clinician, I establish and foster relationships with patients daily. We are elated to share favorable results and devastated when we must deliver bad news. In that regard, the exam room simultaneously serves…

2024 ASCLS Candidates for National Office

Society News Now – May 2024

FDA Final Rule on Regulation of LDTs, New ASCLS Volunteer Opportunities, Meet the ASCLS Candidates for National Office, Lab CE at 2024 Joint Annual Meeting, Call for CLEC 2025 Session Proposals, CLEC 2024 Sessions On Demand, and More! Time to Renew Your ASCLS Membership ASCLS has already begun the 2024-25 membership renewal season. Thank you…

Happy Medical Laboratory Professionals Week from ASCLS

Society News Now – April 2024

Happy Medical Laboratory Professionals Week! Meet the candidates running for ASCLS national office. Early registration for the 2024 ASCLS, AGT & SAFMLS Joint Annual Meeting end May 1. Travel and registration scholarships available for 2024 Joint Annual Meeting. And more! Happy Medical Laboratory Professionals Week! Whether you completed the ASCLS Lab Week Run virtual 5K,…

Claude Rector

Alright, Alright, Alright

Volume 38 Number 2 | April 2024 Claude Rector, MA, MLS(ASCP), ASCLS President I am asked from time to time about what it’s like to be a medical laboratory scientist. My answer might surprise many who are reading this article today. I would like to share my story of the best day ever of my…

Stacy Walz

Debunking the Myths of Mentorship

Volume 38 Number 2 | April 2024 Stacy Walz, PhD, MLS(ASCP) Picture it: College freshman sets foot on campus, full of dreams and confidence, declares biochemistry as her major, and seeks to go to medical school to become a physician. Fast forward a few weeks, and that same college freshman is struggling in her 17…

Career panel discussion at a MLS student night at a hospital

Initiating a Student Night at Your Facility

Volume 38 Number 2 | April 2024 Ali Nussbaum, MHHSA, MLS(ASCP)CM, caPM, ASCLS Board of Directors In May of 2023 I was asked to be a panelist for an ASCLS-Minnesota student night held at a nearby hospital. I agreed immediately. Speaking to students and helping them engage early with the profession is crucial to get…