As required by the ASCLS Bylaws, an individual must hold membership at the state and national levels. This organizational structure allows for appropriate channeling of local needs to the national level and national activities and programs back to the individual members.
National Resources
Strategic Framework 2022-23 PDF
2025-26 Calendar PDF (Updated 3/15/2025))
2024-25 Calendar PDF (Updated 5/1/2024)
2023-24 Calendar PDF (Updated 3/12/2024)
Bylaws PDF (Updated 6/30/2022)
Position Descriptions PDF (Updated 11/1/2019)
Committee/Council/Forum Charges PDF (Updated 7/2024)
Marketing & Communication Handbook Online handbook developed by the ASCLS Marketing and Communication Committee intended for use by members of the ASCLS Leadership Community
Constituent Society Resources
How to Access Your Member Roster PDF
Leadership Essentials Checklist PDF
Connect Tutorial PDF
Constituent Society Model Bylaws DOCX (Updated 7/2/2024)
Social Media Boost Opportunity Open to any eligible Constituent Society for assistance to broadly advertise their meeting across social media channels to targeted audiences.