The Developing Professionals Leadership Award recognizes a student member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and who has contributed to the growth and development of the Developing Professionals Forum. Nominees for the Developing Professionals Forum Leadership Award were Alex Boryszczuk, Illinois; Eykka Gundlach, Minnesota; Charmaine Devera Keuhne, Hawaii; and Christal Lane, Tennessee.
The 2019 Developing Professionals Forum Leadership Award winner is Christal Lane.
This excerpt is from Christal’s nomination letter: “After a year without a student delegate, Christal blew in like a breath of fresh air. She has been spunky and enthusiastic, bringing countless ideas and opportunities to the board when the role was accepted. Ms. Lane’s passion for both the field of laboratory science and for ASCLS has been noted by others. Our state society is very proud of Christal and all of her successes, and we look forward to her bright future in ASCLS.”
The Ascending Professionals Leadership Award recognizes a member of ASCLS who has contributed significantly to the field of clinical laboratory science and the Society within the first five years in the profession and who has made a significant contribution and shown a talent for leadership. Nominees for the Ascending Professional Leadership Award were Ryan Barry, New York; Joshua Cannon, Pennsylvania; Sophia Chandrasekar, North Carolina; Stephanie Garcia, Arizona; Crystal Paul, Minnesota; and Samantha Treutel, Wisconsin.
The 2019 Ascending Professionals Forum Leadership Award winner is Joshua J. Cannon.
This excerpt is from Joshua’s nomination letter: “I can think of no one more deserving of this award. In fact, Joshua is one of the reasons that our Society has acquired several very active, younger members on our board and in leadership. He has been active on all levels of our organization, taking on several large state projects, graduating from our regional leadership academy, serving as the regional ascending professional representative, and currently serving as vice chair of a national scientific assembly. I see great things as Joshua continues in ASCLS activities.”
Congratulations to Christal and Joshua for their leadership, their support for the clinical laboratory profession, and their passion for ASCLS.
Do you know someone who would be a good candidate for one of these awards? The Awards Committee has already started processes for the 2020 awards, so be thinking of your nominees. Details about the awards can be found on the ASCLS Awards and Scholarships webpage.