Use of SBAR Tool
The use of an SBAR format is a great way to organize your thoughts when you need someone to provide input or take action on something. Sometimes it is helpful to include the SBAR component headers when making a formal request for something. Otherwise, just follow the general format:
- Situation: What is happening or needed?
- Background: What has been done to this point or relevant information related to the situation?
- Action: What options have been explored to resolve the situation?
- Recommendation or Request: What option is recommended to resolve the situation or what additional information is needed?
Example with Headers:
- Situation: My dishwasher left a large puddle of water on the floor the last time I tried to use it.
- Background: The dishwasher was installed 30 years ago and is a Sears Kenmore product, which is no longer manufactured.
- Action: I contacted two service repair options, both of which recommended replacing the dishwasher due to lack of available parts for repair.
- Recommendation or Request: Replace the dishwasher.
Example without Headers:
My dishwasher left a large puddle of water on the floor the last time I tried to use it. The dishwasher was installed 30 years ago and is a Sears Kenmore product, which is no longer manufactured. I contacted two service repair options, both of which recommended replacing the dishwasher due to lack of available parts for repair. I think it is time to replace the dishwasher.