At the Annual Meeting in June 2019, ASCLS delegates will choose from the candidates who have volunteered to serve in leadership positions for the coming year. This is one of the many benefits and responsibilities of belonging to a grassroots organization: being able to both VOTE FOR, and BE CONSIDERED AS A CANDIDATE FOR, these positions.

The Nominations Committee seeks those interested in serving in an elected position beginning in June 2019. Please review the leadership positions and consider if you, or someone you know, should be nominated for one of these positions. Self-nominations are welcome. To offer suggestions and make nominations, contact the Nominations Committee chair by December 31, 2018.

President-Elect (3-year commitment, automatically succeeding to President and Past President)
Eligibility: Professional and emeritus members of this Society are eligible to hold office provided they have been a member for at least five (5) consecutive years immediately prior to election, and have held office or membership on the Board of Directors either in this Society or in a constituent society, and must have been a delegate to the national meeting three (3) of the last five (5) years.

Duties: Become familiar with the duties of the office of the president; assist the president as directed and in the absence of the president preside at meetings of the Board of Directors; in the event of a vacancy in the office of the president, serve as the president; serve as a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee; chair the Committee on Long Range Planning and the Appointments Committee; serve on the Annual Meeting Steering Committee.

Secretary/Treasurer (1-year term)
Eligibility: Professional and emeritus members of this Society are eligible to hold office provided they have been a member for at least five (5) consecutive years immediately prior to election, and have held office or membership on the Board of Directors either in this Society or in a constituent society, and must have been a delegate to the national meeting three (3) of the last five (5) years.

Duties: The secretary/treasurer serves as secretary at all meetings of the Board of Directors, House of Delegates, and administers the House Minutes Committee. When serving as treasurer: assures receipt and expenditure of Society funds according to Society policies; ensures that all accounts of the Society are audited annually or as needed; assures annual financial reports are submitted to the House of Delegates; serves as a member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee; chairs the Finance Committee of the ASCLS Board of Directors; and serves as a member of committees or as liaison to committees as assigned by the president.

Region Directors for Regions I, VII, VIII (3-year term)
Eligibility: Professional and emeritus members, who have been members for at least five (5) consecutive years prior to election, are eligible for election to the Board of Directors of the Society. Additionally, they must have held office or membership on the Board of Directors of the Society or in a constituent society. Regional director candidates must have attended at least two (2) regional council meetings in the last five years and must have been a delegate to the national meeting three (3) of the last five (5) years.

Duties: Serves as coordinator of constituent society activities within defined regions; acts as the representative from the respective constituent societies to the Board of Directors; represents the Board of Directors to constituents; facilitates communication among the Board of Directors, Regional Council, and constituent societies; serves as a member of the Board of Directors; may serve as a member of the Executive Committee or other board committees and serves as a member of committees or as liaison to committees as assigned by the president.

Judicial Committee (one position, 5-year term)
Eligibility: Professional or emeritus members of the Society are eligible who have served this Society previously as an officer, director, or presiding official of the Bylaws Committee of this Society.

Duties: An impartial body to investigate or deliberate matters referred for its consideration; to test facts against the Bylaws of this Society or against common standards of justice and fair play; and to render opinions as recommendations for action of the Society.

Nominations Committee (one position, 3-year term)
Eligibility: Professional or emeritus members of this Society who have been active members in the Society for ten (10) years or more prior to election. No officer, director, or elected or appointed representative of this Society is eligible. Candidate must have served as a member of a national task force, national committee, or the ASCLS Board of Directors within the last five (5) years and have attended three (3) of the last five (5) ASCLS Annual Meetings, with a preference given to those who have served as delegates.

Duties: Publicizes position vacancies; secures nominees and evaluates those nominees as to qualifications and experience.