Volume 36 Number 6 | December 2022

Looking for Future Leaders

At the Joint Annual Meeting in June 2023, ASCLS delegates will choose from the candidates who have indicated a willingness to serve in the leadership positions for the coming year. This is one of the many benefits and responsibilities of belonging to a grassroots organization: being able to both vote for and be considered as a candidate for these positions.

The Nominations Committee is seeking qualified members interested in serving in an elected position beginning June 30, 2023. Please review the leadership positions available and consider if you or someone you know should be nominated. Self-nominations are welcome. To offer suggestions and make nominations, please contact Nominations Committee Chair Josh Pulido. Submissions will be accepted no later than January 15, 2023.

Leadership positions to be elected at the 2023 Joint Annual Meeting are as follows:

President-Elect (three-year commitment, automatically succeeding to President and Past-President)

Eligibility: Professional and emeritus members of this Society are eligible to hold office provided they have been a member for at least five (5) consecutive years immediately prior to election.

Duties: Become familiar with the duties of the office of the President; assist the President as directed and in the absence of the President, preside at meetings of the Board of Directors; in the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, serve as the President; serve as a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee; chair the Committee on Long Range Planning and the Appointments Committee; serve on the Joint Annual Meeting Steering Committee.

Director (three positions, three-year term)

Eligibility: Professional and emeritus members who have been members for at least five (5) consecutive years prior to election.

Duties: As the highest leadership body of the organization and to satisfy its fiduciary duties, the Board of Directors sets the ASCLS strategic direction via organizational planning; develops and/or approves policies and strategies that align with the ASCLS Mission to “…make a positive impact in health care through leadership that will assure excellence in the practice of laboratory medicine”; assesses its own performance as the governing body of ASCLS; selects and evaluates the performance of the Executive Vice President/Chief Administrative Officer; ensures strong fiduciary oversight and financial management by approving an annual budget and reviewing and accepting the Society’s annual audit and tax filings; monitors ASCLS’s programs and services; and enhances the Society’s public image by contributing to ASCLS communications vehicles like ASCLS Today.

Members of the board will know the organization’s mission, governing documents, policies, programs, and needs; faithfully read and understand the organization’s financial statements; serve as active advocates and ambassadors for the organization and fully engage in identifying and secure the resources necessary for ASCLS to advance its mission; prepare for, attend, and conscientiously participate in board meetings; professionally express their opinions during board discussions and debates and speak with one voice regarding final decisions by the Board of Directors; serve as members of board committees; serve as a liaison to ASCLS standing committees, taskforces, regions and constituent societies; and perform other duties as assigned by the ASCLS President.

Consistent with their fiduciary responsibilities, ASCLS Board Members will follow the organization’s bylaws, policies, and board resolutions; maintain confidentiality about all internal matters of ASCLS; and disclose conflicts-of-interest disclosure annually, if necessary, as well as disclose potential conflicts before meetings and actual conflicts during meetings.

Judicial Committee (one position, five-year term)

Eligibility: Professional or emeritus members of the Society are eligible who have served this Society previously as an officer, director, or presiding official of the Bylaws Committee of this Society.

Duties: An impartial body to investigate or deliberate matters referred for its consideration; to test facts against the Bylaws of this Society or against common standards of justice and fair play; and to render opinions as recommendations for action of the Society.

Nominations Committee (five positions, two-year term)

Eligibility: Professional or emeritus members of this Society who have been active members in the Society for five (5) years or more prior to election. No officer, director, elected or appointed representative of this Society is eligible.

Duties: Publicizes position vacancies, secures nominees, and evaluates those nominees as to qualifications and experience.