The Lab Cooks Recipe Submission

Share your favorite potluck, holiday, party, baked goods, etc., recipes that have been validated, tested, and confirmed as dee-licious by your fellow laboratory professionals. We’re updating the cookbook for 2025 Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, April 20-26. Send in your recipes by March 31!

I Wish to Remain Anonymous
If you don’t want your 15 minutes of fame around the break room party table, please pick a lab name you’d like instead.


Time to share your dish's standard operating procedure!

Safety notice for:
  • Please do not use a Bunsen burner.
  • Autoclaves are not a good replacement for ovens.
  • Mouth pipette at your own risk.
  • Do not tube any food to show off how amazing your food is. It will become scrambled. And a mess.
(Give a short description of the dish. Example: "This is a five-alarm chili that everyone felt the next day, and nearly came after me." or "Fruity, easy to make cheesecake that brought smiles to everyone's face.")
What department or bench does this dish belong to?(Required)
(What type of food is the dish?)

What is the safety level of the dish?
(Select all that apply)
(Was this recipe adapted from a pre-existing recipe? If so, please enter the link or book name.)
(Please enter ingredients and any special tools.)
(Please enter instructions for recipe.)
(Add any notes you'd like here. Ex, "Can substitute three quail eggs for one chicken egg," or "If allergic to nuts, please don't use nut milk.")
(Share a photo of your photogenic dish. Bonus points if the dish appears in a Lab Week celebration.)
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.