Nominations deadline: April 1

First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time, and energy to ASCLS. Recognition is at three levels: national, regional, and constituent society. This allows constituent society presidents, region leaders, and the ASCLS president to recognize members for outstanding service.


The nominee must be a current member of ASCLS as of December 31.


There is no limitation on the number of ASCLS members who can be recognized by the national president, region leaders, and constituent society presidents. A member who is active at all three levels, national, regional and constituent society can be recognized at all three levels.


All nominees receive a ribbon at the ASCLS Annual Meeting.

Application Process

The national president, region leaders, and constituent society presidents will enter recipient names using the form below.

  • Check the Dec. 31 membership roster to confirm membership status of nominees and membership number. Non-members will not be considered.
  • Submit member’s name as it appears on the ASCLS membership roster. Do not use nicknames. If a nominee is not on the master membership list, they will not be considered for nomination.
  • Provide the constituent society/state in which the nominee is a member.
  • Submit the nominee’s ASCLS member number in the field provided.
  • Provide a brief explanation of the contribution to be recognized.
  • Designate the level of recognition (constituent, regional, national).
  • The ASCLS president typically sends a personal letter to his/her national nominees. It is the responsibility of the region leaders and constituent society presidents to notify their members of the region/state level nomination. ASCLS will not mail letters to these individuals.

Omicron Sigma Nomination Form

  • This form allows you to submit recipients for the Omicron Sigma award at the constituent society, regional and national level. After you fill in the form, you must hit the "Submit" button and receive a confirmation message before clearing the form and entering information and submitting for additional nominees. (*) indicates a required field.
  • Please choose whether you are recognizing this individual for work on behalf of the constituent society, regional or the national organization.
  • Recipient

  • Briefly describe activity(ies) for which the recipient is being recognized.