The Diversity Advocacy Council (DAC) shall advocate for under-represented groups within ASCLS and ignite discussions on diversity in the profession and the inequities in our healthcare system. The DAC will additionally encourage and advocate for participation and inclusion in all aspects of ASCLS by members of underrepresented groups in the following areas: leadership, continuing education, awards, and communication platforms.
Members of the DAC can communicate their needs, concerns, and opinions to the leaders of the DAC and ultimately the ASCLS Board of Directors. The DAC strives to uphold the ASCLS Definition of Diversity
Chair: The Chair shall preside at meetings of the DAC and serve as an ex-officio member of all committees and be an official signatory on all accounts, when needed. The Chair or designee shall serve as the official liaison to ASCLS and will provide DAC Reports to the ASCLS Board of Directors meetings during each year and to the ASCLS House of Delegates at the annual meeting. The Chair will work closely with ASCLS mentors.
Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair will serve in the absence of the Chair. The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in the discharge of his/her duties. In the event of a vacancy in the position of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair for the unexpired term of the office. The Vice-Chair shall function in the capacity of Program Chairperson.
Past-Chair: The immediate Past-Chair shall act as advisor to the Chair and Vice Chair. The Past-Chair will work with other members of the DAC Executive Committee to maintain the DAC Microsite.
Secretary: The Secretary shall record and keep in permanent form the minutes of all meetings of the DAC; keeping records of board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all board meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each board member, and assuring that DAC records are maintained.
The Vice-Chair serves a one (1) year term beginning and ending with the House of Delegates Meeting. The Vice-Chair will succeed to chair in their second year, then Past Chair in their third and final year in their 3-year commitment.
The Secretary of the Council is elected for a two (2) year term, and can serve a maximum of two (2) terms.
Nominations and Election:
Candidate presentations will occur at the Joint Annual Meeting; candidates need not be present to be eligible for election to office.
All candidates must be members of ASCLS for a minimum of four (4) months prior to election.
Deadline for nominations is May 12, 2025
Officers are members of the DAC Executive Committee. This group meets monthly for a one hour Zoom meeting. Officers are expected to help fulfill the charges of the DAC. Some example activities include the annual PRISM event (, the DAC Movie Night, and DAC Book Club. Officers are also strongly encouraged to attend the Joint Annual Meeting (JAM) yearly (
Candidate presentations will occur on Monday June 8th, 2025, in-person or virtually, at the annual DAC Membership Meeting. Nominees need not be present to be considered a candidate for Vice Chair or Secretary.