Information on becoming a Partner

Educators and industry have mutual interest in advancing and impacting the profession. In partnership, laboratory science educators and industry both bring value to an environment of learning, creativity, and innovation. The goals of our 41st annual conference include enhancing instructional skills, developing innovative teaching techniques, and identifying trends and strategies to manage the changing profession. All industry partners are full registrants and encouraged to attend educational sessions that impact their diagnostic area or any area of interest. Partners are welcome to engage in conversations throughout the virtual space and online communities and participate in social activities.

*Note: Premium Packages are sold out (updated 11/20/24)

Information for Confirmed Partners

Deliverables for Meeting App

Confirmed partners can upload their materials at Partner Deliverables

Example of exhibitor listing in app: CLEC Industry Partner Platform Visuals

Shipping Information

Items may be shipped to the Westin via FedEx: Shipping Instructions Westin Peachtree

For the Conference/Group Name, please use “ASCLS CLEC 2025”. Items should arrive no more than 4 days prior to the event.


One (1) power outlet is included for Standard and Premium package exhibitors.  Budget packages do not include electricity.

Accessing the Online Community

Each conference registrant is automatically added to the CLEC 2025 Online Community. This community site is a great way to interact and connect with all conference attendees, including participating in discussions. ASCLS members can log in to the community with the same credentials as your ASCLS membership information. If you do not remember your password, click “Forgot your password?” for a temporary password. If you are not an ASCLS member but are attending CLEC, you can access the CLEC online community. Your username is the email address associated with your CLEC registration. You will need to click “Forgot your password?” to generate a temporary password

Join the Industry Partner Interest List

Please join the industry partner interest list to receive more information regarding engagement opportunities when they become available.