ASCLS allows Constituent Societies to host a website on our Higher Logic Thrive platform at no cost.
There is no cost associated with hosting the website.
Domain Name:
If a Constituent Society wishes to keep its domain name (i.e.,, you must pay the domain registration fee associated with the cost. We recommend Squarespace. Once your website is created, a staff member will walk you through how to sync your website with your domain name.
If you choose not to register your own domain, your domain will be
- Alignment with the overall ASCLS brand.
- Complementary logo you can use on your website, social media, publications, etc.
- Multiple people can be added as Community Admins, who have the ability to edit your website.
- Staff will provide training and technical assistance.
- Site components, or wedges, can pull syndicated content such as calendar information over from the ASCLS Connect Community.
Any Constituent Society using our platform must:
- Use only the standard ASCLS color scheme for the site template.
- Use a logo compliant with the ASCLS logo, which will include the usage of correct colors, triangles, and the addition of the state name. Please note: logos can have an element of “flair” that is unique to the state that is outside of the ASCLS color scheme.
- All websites will include the following pages: home page, about, news, events, and connect.
If interested, please fill out the form below: