The Social Media Boost Opportunity supports constituent societies by advertising their events to a larger audience.


  1. Your Constituent Society must have submitted a roster AND a health assessment.
  2. All marketing materials must be compliant with the branding and naming of ASCLS at large.
  3. After your event, you must submit an attendance list with the name, organization, and email at a minimum.
    1. If you are using the Connect Community for your registration, you will not need to submit the list; we can pull this from our end.
  4. You must submit your application six weeks before your first registration deadline.
    1. For example, if your early bird deadline is March 30th, you must submit your application by February 17th.

Review Criteria:

  1. Eligibility – is the constituent society eligible to receive this benefit?
  2. Website/Registration – is there a website or registration page that includes detailed information about the event (location, schedule/agenda, etc)? Do you have any sessions, additional activities, or speakers that the post can highlight?
  3. P.A.C.E. (if applicable) – is the organization and event in compliance with P.A.C.E. policies?
  4. Marketing materials – does your event have a visual image that can be used for the post?


  1. Submit your application after you have all your details confirmed. We will not approve any application that is still in the planning stages.
  2. Make sure your event has some detailed information that can be highlighted in the social media post.
  3. Do not solely rely on this social media boost as your only marketing effort. We want to see how this opportunity will help your attendance numbers with the efforts you are already pursuing.
  4. You need to have any logos, fliers, etc, already created and submitted with your application to be considered.
  5. Don’t be afraid to use this as an opportunity to try new events! There is no requirement that this can only go to annual meetings. This is open to any event – professional, social, etc.